Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sanan optoelectronics LED bullish on organic plant loading concepts

Using the principle of LED light sources made of lamps and light bulbs, lighting itself does not have any pollution to the environment, necessary for the simulation of plant growth through the light source spectrum, so that plants can grow at all times, and also worked for flowering in solid. Profile picture morning haixi (microblogging) reporter Wu Jing to day-to-day lighting of LED lights if used in floral hastily, what will happen? Well not only debugging, but also strong flowering. How to use the money? Yesterday, sanan optoelectronics chairman Lin Xiucheng morning news reporter interview revealed, except for input in the area of traditional, also will open up new applications of LED in the area of plant. Company belonging to 666 million yuan of profits in listed companies, rose 14%. Company accounts for 1.2 billion dollars in cash.

At present the company's financial disclosure report shows the company runs good, national development Bank recognized the sanan optoelectronics, in the middle of this year, has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with sanan optoelectronics. Three quarterly shows that sanan optoelectronics is highest among non-recurrent revenue from government subsidies amounted to 328 million Yuan, is the largest benefit breakdown. "1 device is 12 million yuan of subsidies we have 103, subsidies on a wide range of nature. "Lin Xiucheng, more acceptance of this year with equipment, subsidies were held to account, and equipment increased primary support increasing the company's capacity of. It is understood that in 2010, sanan optoelectronics in chip production base was set up in Anhui last year after production, sales volume continues to grow, and sanan optoelectronics to develop overseas markets also greatly increase the size of the company's sales. "We have entered Taiwan market to further upgrade Taiwan market share, with a number of other overseas markets also have a deep cooperation. "Lin Xiucheng said.

New areas of application with LED "photosynthesis in plants through natural light during the day, and we have it at night for photosynthesis. "Lin Xiucheng told the morning news reporter, in September this year, the company launched new products is to LED lamps in plant body, chip deworming, flukes, are currently in production. It is understood that the lamp and light bulb made of using the principle of LED light sources, lighting itself does not have any pollution to the environment, necessary for the simulation of plant growth through the light source spectrum, so that plants can grow at all times, and also worked for flowering in solid. At present, global enterprises a handful of this attempt, at the national level, sanan optoelectronics is the first to eat the crab. "We went to Japan visited, in Japan car park mezzanine, growing plants can be useful this way, the effect is very good. "Lin Xiucheng, is optimistic about the organic concept. Sanan optoelectronics currently has an annual production of LED wafer, chip 128 billion tablets of the productive capacity of 5.8 million tablets, total capacity ranking first in the country, products are widely used in indoor and outdoor lighting, backlight, led, lights, electronics and aerospace, solar power and other fields. Lin Xiucheng describes, as three residential construction with a full production in Anhui Province and steadily promoting the construction of phase II, in 2013, the company will be an annual production capacity of LED wafer, chip scale of integrated production of 250 billion tablets of 10 million tablets.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Apple no longer accepts United States green product certifications

A few days ago, Apple offered to have them certified by green 39 product (including desktops, monitors and notebooks) removed from the list of EPEAT, EPEAT is by the United States Government supports a specific enumerated list of green electronic products. Almost all manufacturers for their products access to the list and are proud of. Apple's decision caused a lot of people worry that even United States Environmental Protection Department immediately decided not to buy Mac products in San Francisco, and San Francisco's education sector, government agencies and other large enterprises would no longer buy Mac products in theory. We even posted on our website each product's greenhouse gas emissions, and some important environmental protection EPEAT does not measure--such as the removal of toxic substances, we also do very good. Say Apple believes that their products or even beyond EPEAT criterion, particularly in respect of removal of toxic substances and other environmental protection.

Currently Apple has not publicly called for the Elimination of EPEAT green product certification reasons, but media speculation is the reluctance of Apple and other manufacturers, or EPEAT existing standards do not reflect Apple's efforts in environmental protection. In fact, a member of the EPEAT Board of Directors in March this year also recognized their standards a bit tired. Another challenge on the Apple, EPEAT has expressed official regret, Frisbee, the Organization's Chief Executive said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal reporter: they (Apple) said that their design will no longer follow the EPEAT requirements. They used to be our very important supporters, now that they no longer want to use this standard to measure their products, we also deeply regret.

More about my article,you also can read:

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dalian PV LED industrial induction via breaking LED lamp

Over the past several months, when the United States Department of Commerce the ultimate decision of China PV products fulfil underground garage lighting; now we are work with Bangladesh, orders do not come from the third world market in Europe and America, but exports of the integrated system are finished, so remained profitable. And PV products in the export process is driving sales of other products, achieving maximum added value of products. Underground parking lot lighting.

Combined with State industrial development organization, the International Director of the solar energy transfer core technologies to make xiwenhua also: garage lighting design, basic good, has been granted National Semiconductor Science and technology industrialization of science and technology base, lighting design of underground garage, Dalian would result in billions of scale semiconductor photovoltaic industry clusters.

Academy of Chinese superstition, one of China's natural science award of the General Assembly on Science and technology academician Shi Changxu said in a lecture to the Government, 5-8 years in the future, China semiconductor LED lighting can only reach the trillions on industrial scale. Lighting in China accounted for more than total amount of power consumed 15%, full development of LED lighting, for a city not only is energy-saving emission reduction needs, training and developing emerging industries.

For Dalian, in policy and market driven by two infrared LED lamp, increasing advance LED lighting industry to accelerate PV industry recovery, energy saving and Green eco-industrial development of the city landmark.

Deputy Director Wang Min, the Dalian municipal construction Committee building energy-saving management service to business proposals to make, how many years near new names, and Dalian qualifications do energy management contract of enterprise is only 22, initiative has provided enterprise energy management contract research, such competence to participate in more projects in the future.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The globe lighting factory output value of LED Animal year for 6 into the parking

The globe warming increasingly significant problem, the lack of food also deteriorating, thus the LED light source applications in recent years in plant food for cultivation, to establish a "plant factory" led smart voice Lamp; unmistakable trend, the photoelectric Association for the Advancement industry analyst Fan Huairen the annual production value growth rate of 62%, LED lamp, LED plant factory lighting the Taiwan plant contains Everlight new century, Epistar, Formosa Epitaxy are cut into the different areas of the plant lighting field, nothing more, because Taiwan's agricultural development must be the basis of plus the domestic market is small, so that the plant factory in Taiwan and restricted development initiatives towards producing high niche crops, promotion of animal lighting industrial competitiveness.

The plant factory means full closing cultivated crops grow artificial dominated lighting, temperature, humidity, in addition to reduce water loss, and can also be reached through artificial LED lighting with air conditioning energy saving consequences, with a current prototype when actively invest in lighting factories development According to statistics, as of the end of March 2011, the semi-artificial lighting factory in Japan up to 16 the complete lighting 64.

LED agricultural lighting exists significant energy savings, according to statistics, Fluorescent plant seedling plants, lighting energy consumption up to 82%, but if the application of LED to replace traditional lighting that can reduce energy photoelectric Association for the Advancement industry analyst Fan Huairen consuming; enter the plant lighting use in the home and plant.

However, because the Chinese domestic market is small, the adverse biotech companies induction LED lamp, together with agricultural biotechnology R & D and production governance regulations are not perfect, and Taiwan investment in the biotech medical and agricultural research and development human funded low, making the China Taiwan the plant lighting market and failed to have a significant leap forward in Fan Huairen proposal unless the government actively propagated outside the intelligent LED Ceiling China Taiwan geographical application germplasm upwind plus day would transshipment hub in Southeast Asia, the development of high niche products including vegetables, orchids, in herbs and other products, and to get into the mainland market, energy-efficient lighting, with semiconductor and other high-tech skills at the same time, to accelerate and improve the production process.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Industrial analysis over the three decades of China's LED industry chain gradually completely led lighting

Support in China's economic stimulus policy, China has repeatedly light industrial and optical lighting technology as a focus on the development of industry, give different important lighting technology as well as standard policy, taxes, funds, focusing on nominal priority under negotiation lighting technology class advantages of enterprise property rights of licensed independent common sense, full arm technology concern focused on LED lighting. Through 30 years of development, China's LED industry has initially constitute a relatively complete industrial chain, market development gradually powerful applications gradually extended.

LED applications are divided into two categories of display and lighting. New lighting light-emitting diode (LED) as the light source, known as semiconductor lighting, referred to as LED lighting, semiconductor lighting LED lighting industry as the main industry called. LED lighting industry chain includes upstream raw materials, and equipment (single chip) and epitaxial growth; midstream chip manufacturing; downstream packaging and product development, production and application; supporting industries, including related equipment, accessories, materials.

Upstream technology content and capital investment, Quality, high profit margins, the the the LED luminous color and luminescence effectiveness and manufacturing LED and process, and upstream accounting for about 70% of the LED manufacturing capital, the LED industry is extremely important; midstream technology and capital-intensive sectors, the chip is the most dramatic part of the patent competition, there is a large investment intensity characteristics of slow but effective; downstream link contains the opening production of LED packaging and lighting production application is the most rigorous part of contact with the market, The technical content is definitely lower the investment threshold is lower, so the LED industry, the largest and fastest growing areas.

At present, the global LED industry pyramid spread in the United States, Europe, Japan ranks top of the pyramid, global industry accounts for approximately 60% to 65%, the head of its technology, patents, and output value in other countries and regions. Taiwan, South Korea ranked the pyramid middle, the output value of the proportion of about 30% to 35%, times, technology is slightly larger capacity, but slightly lower value-added products. Low real one is in mainland China, Malaysia and other places, accounting for the world's 3% to 6% LED ceiling lamps, technical lower end of the contract energy management, lack of core patents, the smaller and have lower capacity and output value, but its rise faster.

2009, China's semiconductor lighting industry overall stability. First quarter, subject to the influence of the international financial crisis in 2008, the industrial development delay, shrinking exports become convex problem, commensurate with the local business is hard or even bankruptcy. In June 2003, a broken led fluorescent tubes, led by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In October 2009, for the development of the domestic LED lighting, the National Development and Reform Commission in conjunction with the Ministry of Housing and six ministries introduction of the underground parking lot lighting, which upstream firm is more than about 50, more than 1,000 packaging companies, enterprises downstream applications of more than 3,000 . In 2009, China's LED industry output value reached 18.55 billion yuan, which the packaging industry output value reached 12.5 billion yuan. China's LED export a large share of the world market, especially in recent years, the growth trend was gradually rising each year. According to the investigation, according to the relative advantage of the low prices of raw materials, labor, is the main locations of the world purchasing LED products. Country confrontation with the the LED export volume in China is only the United States, Japan and other countries, along with the continuous expansion of the globe the LED promotion of areas, the market competition is increasingly intense. As the representative of the manufacturing industry developed areas of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta region, more and more enterprises to participate in the torrent to the LED export competitiveness.

The resolution with the governance of the sales channels occupied a major position in the marketing mix. As the convergence produced and spent the bridge and ties, the fair distribution channels is likely to protect the product at the right time, the right place to the purpose of customer supplied the appropriate price, and thus to develop an effective distribution channel strategies meant major.

The new era in China's foreign trade development strategy in the current economic environment, to the superstitious concept of development leading to completely change the traditional export extensive foreign trade development strategy, steering trade balanced by concern commercial surplus, focus on trade The amount of steering to improve productivity, trade-oriented strategy to enhance the international competitiveness of continuous change.

In short, followed by increasing international competitiveness of China's LED lighting products in the future, should be more biased in favor by the progress of the competitiveness of the industry center to enhance the international competitiveness of the products. Break through the industry's core skills at the same time, also have to recognize the infinite energy supply for the status quo and labor resources talent geographical imbalance of China's economic development, the full development of LED lighting production of labor-intensive enterprises, continued to adhere to the international competitiveness of our country in such products force the upper hand.

Pocketed the people's attention in previous many years, the Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games, and even last year, Shenzhen Universiade LED, LED lighting, magnificent color LED display, have been improved show. Driven by emerging applications market has been emerging in recent years LED market range rapid promotion. LED products more and more, and is not limited to LED lighting and LED display applications is also becoming more common and segmentation.

LED development to its application market today, we can be divided into six major markets to dissect. The first LED display applications. The display is LED application market, especially the increase in the application of full-color LED display. The picture LED display from the Beijing Olympic Games, to the night of the opening ceremony of the World Expo special custom brink of ten thousand square meters giant LED display, or appeared on the Asian Games, unveiling a total area of ​​8,000 square meters of LED sails screen are so LED industry from the new review of the LED display segments.

As the application of the first and one of the most mature LED applications, LED display industry in the past few years by the expansion needs of the world's large-scale events and outdoor advertising media excited product segments more found significant differentiation. Then later the full color LED digital tube, from the earliest to monochrome, two-color display, the entire field of LED display upgrade swap period experienced a period of product structure. In recent years, the growing demand of the market for large high-end outdoor LED display, LED application market the main display area.

Interior lighting market LED other emerging markets. Through the grip of the current LED hundreds of even thousands of color change can be achieved. This stage emphasizes personalized period, the LED color will help diversify the market development of LED decorative lights. LED has begun into one small decorating lights, decorative curtain wall applications in a hotel bedroom. Interior lighting market scale in 2005 to reach 158 million yuan.

After years of a job change, the nation's major cities by the traditional traffic lights replaced with LED traffic lights have been close to the prologue. LED traffic lights market after years of high-speed growth, the size of the market in 2005 reached 1.52 billion yuan. However, with the implementation of alternative work, LED traffic lights market will no longer maintain high-speed growth in the underground garage used lamps, LED traffic lights in 2006 the market is expected to achieve growth of 5.8% to 16.1 billion.

Landscape lighting market is mainly decorative lighting of streets, squares and other public places, mainly from the government to promote the effort. By 2008 held in Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, Beijing, Shanghai and other places to accelerate the pace of landscape lighting, LED low power, with strong market competitiveness in a huge electricity use in the landscape lighting market. Currently, LED has been increasingly applied to the landscape lighting market.

In addition, the main role of the Olympic Games and the World Expo is much longer in itself led landscape lighting market growth, more important is its exemplary role. In order to meet the Olympic Games and the World Expo, Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai and other places will be built a number of LED landscape lighting project these works in the decorated streets at the same time will also serve as a model. The rest of the city see LED landscape lighting Outstanding indicated that they would reduce the use of LED landscape lighting concerns, and accelerate the use of LE in landscape lighting. LED landscape lighting will expand quickly from a city to the secondary and tertiary cities.

LED automotive applications market size of $ 0.29 billion in a few years ago, automobile headlights. Market size of $ 0.21 billion. From all LED application market, the automotive market is still in its infancy situation, the small size of the market.

LED as automobile headlights. Important benefit from the low-power, long-lived life, and the corresponding speed. The statistics show that, in the car traveling at 100 kilometers per hour, the vehicles equipped with LED brake lights than not equipped with LED brake light vehicle brake interval will be reduced by 7 feet. Currently, LED has been gradually applied in the third brake lights of the car. Of course, the LED is still facing unit wattage lumens and related policy limits into the taillights and headlights markets also need a certain amount of time, however, as all day performance than the landing as well as the enhancement of luminescence efficiency, the ultimate LED will gradually achieve from the interior of the car, the rear to the front of the transfer, and ultimately entrenched throughout the automotive lighting market. With the grand car capacity, LED lights PUC faces great development potential.

Another nearly two years, the rise of the smart phone, LED shortcut applied to the mobile phone-based, small-size LCD panel backlight market, the continuous increase in mobile phone production slips led backlight market development. The special is two years smartphone rendering white LED market is advancing too fast development.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Electronic Product Radiation Investigation and Prevention

Electronic products has become the necessities of life, but the electronic product radiation hazards and to understand how many people, the group's goal is to investigate sorting out the the mainstream electronic product radiation hazards and methods of prevention, and then compiled into the electronic product radiation hazard prevention manuals, final publicity preach our investigation so that people benefit. The team to solve the core problem: 1, electronic product radiation hazards? 2, find and summarize the methods to prevent electronic product radiation? 3, with a minimum investment to get the most out of social benefits, and how to promote my project research. Preliminary plans for the six-step implementation of this research: first, through questionnaires, random access, to get the mainstream electronic catalog of the university campus and obtain feedback of the teachers and students of the degree of electron radiation solution. The second step, the mainstream electronic products inspection, real radiation data for these products. The third step, investigate and understand the preventive measures of these electronic products. The fifth step, preached in the whole school and the whole of Shanghai, the activities affected the expansion and dissemination of prevention manual activities. The sixth step, summarize and complete research report.

Shooting a computer with a 5 million pixel mobile phone, the apparent effects of radiation. A factory made to the test, it can be seen that the mobile phone radiation is very high. This is the so-called anti-radiation mobile phone on the market chain, in fact, the role is negligible. Reduce cell phone time is the scientific method of radiation. Not able to keep abreast of the environment around the existence of radiation hazard? Recent emergence of this electronic table with radiation detection feature will be able to tell you anywhere around the existence of the radiation source. News from times, we analyze very worried about the people for radiation.

The team to solve the core problem: 1, electronic product radiation hazards? 2, find and summarize the methods to prevent electronic product radiation? 3, with a minimum investment to get the most out of social benefits, and how to promote my project research.

Preliminary plans for the six-step implementation of this research: first, through questionnaires, random access, to get the mainstream electronic catalog of the university campus and obtain feedback of the teachers and students of the degree of electron radiation solution. The second step, the mainstream electronic products inspection, real radiation data for these products. The third step, investigate and understand the preventive measures of these electronic products. The fifth step, preached in the whole school and the whole of Shanghai, the activities affected the expansion and dissemination of prevention manual activities. The sixth step, summarize and complete research report.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ministry of Finance strict audit of electronic waste dismantling

The person in charge of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, "notice" requires strict audit and dismantling of waste electrical and electronic products, the amount of subsidies approved for each processing enterprises, to protect the safety of waste electrical and electronic products processing Fund.

The official said, "notice" provisions of the audit work of the type and quantity of the dismantling of the provincial environmental protection department is responsible for organizing this area processing enterprises, the development of audit programs, with the person responsible for the audit work. Commissioned professional organization, audit expenses, environmental protection departments at all levels to carry out the audit work building a remote video surveillance system expenses and other related expenses incurred by the environmental protection departments at all levels to the same level of financial departments to apply the same level of financial sector in the environmental protection department budget be approved, effectively protect the environmental protection department to carry out the audit work need.

"Notice" requirements of the relevant environmental protection department to be based on "waste electrical and electronic products enterprise subsidies Audit Guide, processing waste electrical and electronic products processing enterprises recycling and dismantling logistics, information flow and cash flow than the audit, to determine dismantling type and quantity. Processing enterprises can not provide material proof, or relating to logistics, information flow and capital flow is inconsistent and can not provide sufficient reasonable grounds for non-acceptance; dismantling of hazardous waste class product (such as leaded glass, printed circuit board ) processing to check for transfer of hazardous waste reception unit return single unit that receives the return transfer to the single, non-acceptance. The local environmental protection departments of the municipal districts portal should be public audit of the processing enterprises in the region, subject to public supervision.

The official pointed out, "notice" stressed the provincial environmental protection departments should develop a regulatory program to strengthen the daily supervision of the local environmental protection departments above the county level, in accordance with the principle of territorial supervision, organization; based on the day-to-day supervision of the situation, the establishment of a fund to subsidize enterprises exit mechanism, out of lack of good faith does not comply with the requirements of environmental protection, recycling system is not perfect, comprehensive utilization of resources is low or the technical process behind the enterprise, and gradually increase the level of processing industry as a whole. Related to environmental protection departments at all levels must supervise the processing enterprises in accordance with the requirements of the waste electrical and electronic products processing enterprises qualification and licensing Guide "perfect processing enterprise remote video surveillance system to monitor the entire process of dismantling and networking with the provincial environmental protection department .

It is reported that waste electrical and electronic products processing Fund is a government fund set up by the state to promote the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products, for the establishment of a long-term mechanism to promote the recycling of waste electrical and electronic products, the specification of waste electrical and electronic product recycling activities to prevent important to promote the comprehensive utilization of resources and reduce environmental pollution, the development of recycling economy and building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society. Currently, the country has 43 processing enterprise fund subsidy eligibility. The official said that the Ministry of Environmental Protection requirements in accordance with the above-mentioned documents, and strict monitoring of waste electrical and electronic products processing, and safeguard the smooth implementation of "waste electrical and electronic product recycling management regulations.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

OLED will replace LCD into the mainstream

The Hong Kong University Science & Technology invited, "OLED" the father of the United States, Rochester College professor Deng Qingyun on the 8 day port lectures, analysis technology breakthrough development, also interspersed lived in Hong Kong for years, recalling the past, miss lee.

OLED, organic light-emitting diodes, is a base for organic thin film has light source of display technology.And at present the mainstream LCD screen (LCD), OLED screen can slim (the thin a few tenths of a millimeter), ultra light, flexible, high resolution, low energy consumption, wide viewing angle characteristics.

So advanced, OLED less than LCD popularity?"Technology has matured, but the material, equipment still exist some problem, be the undoing of the LCD barrier."Deng Qingyun said, the first is the life, the original OLED screen shows only a few minutes, now up to a maximum of 1000000 hours, but the deep blue OLED light-emitting efficiency is still low; and the production cost is high, the cost is high screen.

But Deng Qingyun believes that the prospect of OLED is beyond question, "the next 5 to 10 years, longer life, lower cost, higher megapixel, can show the 3D effect of AMOLED (active matrix organic light emitting diode), is expected to replace the LCD's leading position".He refers to, a South Korean electronics manufacturers have announced investment of more than $600000000 to build the OLED production line.

In fact, Deng Qingyun in the 20 years before the invention of the first small molecule OLED.Early dating back to one night in 1979, because of forgetting things and reentrant laboratory he found a piece of organic battery in luminescence, which launched on the "electric light" decades of inquiry.With around OLED research, Deng Qingyun award-winning, including in 2011 to become the first Chinese winners of the Wolf prize in chemistry.

According to statistics, more than 1/3 of the Wolf prize for physics and chemistry prize winner is awarded Nuobeire award."Said Professor Dumbledore has a 1/3 chance to again won the Nobel prize."The same study OLED university professor Guo Chenghai, called Deng Qingyun "the lights of Hongkong".

"This is the village where I was born, then there are no electricity!"Deng Qingyun points to New Territories, a corner, laughing himself as "the country's" change "scientists".He also shows a photograph -- comb the traditional bun two woman with a brown hair foreign woman side stands, turned out to be his grandmother, mother and wife."My grandmother taught me to be generous, mother taught me patience."

Monday, December 17, 2012

LED lighting product development of a new trend

It is understood that, under the background of the current global energy shortage concerns rise again, the energy savings are important issues we face, LED with its high efficiency, energy saving, long life, and more changes, green and other notable features, the most recognized the fourth generation of green light with good development prospects. With the state constantly promote low-carbon, energy-saving emission reduction policies, LED industry has encountered a great development opportunity. At present, the rapid development of LED industry at home and abroad, worldwide popularizing usher the climax. The 21st century will be to enter the LED for the new era of lighting sources. Its application will completely change the traditional concept of the existing buildings in lighting design, lighting design. With the application of the progress of the work, it will produce a new lighting concepts, ways and means. Thus, in-depth study of the design specifications, architectural lighting, power supply systems, drive technology, structural design and thermal design technology will play a key role in the promotion of LED applications in the field of architectural lighting.

The Chinese government has begun to implement green lighting project. In 2011, to promote efficient lighting products to sustain and promote LED lighting demonstration project, 20 LED indoor lighting applications projects in different climatic conditions of the region, 15 LED street light application projects and 15 LED tunnel lighting project to carry out a demonstration tender shortlist include LED road / tunnel light, LED downlight, reflective self-ballasted stream LED light three categories, involving 28 enterprises. October 1, 2014, banned the sale and import of 60 watts and above ordinary lighting incandescent; based on energy efficiency standards prohibit the production, sale and import of light efficiency is lower than the energy efficiency of limited value inefficient tungsten halogen lamp. October 1, 2016, banned the sale and import of 15 watts and above ordinary lighting incandescent. Through the implementation of the roadmap, will effectively promote the healthy development of China Lighting Industry, to achieve a good energy saving effect, the Lighting Industry output is expected to add about 80 billion yuan, about 15,000 new jobs, the formation of the New Year call 48 billion kwh, the annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 48 million tons of capacity.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

LED lights maintenance of your caution election

LED car lights are more and more widely in the automotive, luxury cars only now gradually senior car to promote open. Compared to traditional bulbs, LED lamps have a long service life, better lighting and more aesthetically pleasing appearance advantages, but the damage to a part of the LED light is necessary to replace the whole, leading to its higher cost, generally in the 1000-2000 yuan. Therefore, consumers in the choice of models to take into account their economic capacity to buy with caution.

LED car lights brake lights, tail lights, turn lights, down lights, brake lights and other lights bit has application. Its characteristics are also very obvious. First, LED lights save more than 60% of the electrical energy than equivalent incandescent brightness. Second, the structure is simple, luminous body semiconductor (solid), surrounded by a transparent epoxy resin sealing, seismic performance. Third: long service life, the use of 10,000 small-time decline of only 50%, and general service life can reach tens of thousands of hours. Fourth: does not contain harmful metal mercury, essentially no radiation. But the biggest factor is temperature affect the efficiency and lifetime of LED automotive lighting, car headlights in use, the heat emitted, leading to the surrounding temperature is high, and the heat is not very fast. Show wide lights LED car made ​​normal operating temperature is below 60 ℃, when the temperature exceeds 60 ℃, the LED is not very stable. So, if the the automotive headlamp surrounding temperature exceeds a certain temperature, LED can easily burn, and sometimes even the base of the LED lights will burn directly dissolved. For most vehicles use LED lights, if serious damage to the diode is even more direct replacement assembly. The price to replace a set of LED lights, traditional lights several times between 1000-2000 yuan.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

LED lamp

LED lights, high efficiency, energy saving, therefore, want to install some try. The finished lamp on the market is expensive, Wal-Mart sells LED lights, a small ordinary 90 is eight to nearly two hundred dollars, so the lamp for ordinary families, although section can, but the cost is too high.

I Taobao looked ,3-5W LED lamp beads are only a few dollars a cheaper, 1W of even just a few cents or a dollar or two a. But how these lamp beads to form the lamp lighting, how to do it?

I have the following questions:

1, a ten to twenty-square-meter room, to achieve better lighting, how many lumens?

2, the voltage of the LED lamp beads is how much? 5V DC power supply connected to the LED lights on when, how many grains of lamp beads series? 30V DC power to the number of tandem (so do you)? The current of each lamp beads mA? LED is very sensitive to fluctuations in the power supply (own transformer and rectifier bridge rectifier)?

3, high-power lamp beads, like 3-5W (its own cooling fan base) also need additional heat sink?

If the new house is renovated, is not to prepare for the future of a group of low-voltage LED lighting line? This can use only a total of the low-voltage power supply, rather than each of the lamps on both the low voltage power supply used.

Thank you very much.

1, home lighting for home lighting, daily use of time an average of about 4.3 hours, power-down feature that can create effective use of the lack of time and limited only expect LED bulb / lamp luminous efficiency increased dramatically, and guide the light bulb / The lamps cost of rapid decline, in order to spread to ordinary families.

2 white LED operating voltage of about 3.5V, 5V DC voltage only for a white LED, not in series use; factory that production can pick classification, a few LED parallel work. Own system conditions, only one LED series in parallel and then use a current limiting resistor. The 30V voltage 8 series. Current is typically 20mA.

4, due to the problems in the first asked the LED lamp is mainly used for the street unit lighting and other occasions, have not generally entered the homes of local residents. But after widespread use, there will be 220V AC lighting products, can not only set the low-voltage power lines in the home.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2020 consumer electronics products accounted British household power consumption by half

On Wednesday, an energy-saving agencies said in a report published in 2020, flat-panel TVs, computers, high-tech products will consume nearly half of British families electricity.
UK Energy Efficiency Fund (EST), consumer electronics products will exceed kitchen appliances and lighting and electric tiger family. The Ampere Strikes Back report said, compared with the earlier model, the power consumption of the new products are usually larger, many products are in the standby state, rather than the closed state.
The proportion of households owning a computer has increased by 3% in 1982 to 60%, the proportion of households own printer has increased by 0.7% to 58%.
The families usually have more than one TV, more and more people to buy the higher power consumption of large-screen TV. The report predicts that in 2020 the TV standby energy consumption will account for 1.4% of household electricity consumption.
The report pointed out that, despite the manufacturers try to produce more energy-efficient products, but four times the power consumption of the digital TV analog TV.
The growth of single-parent families increased energy consumption. Such families usually have a big-screen televisions, set-top boxes, computers, game consoles, music recorder and other electronic products.
EST by allocating electronic plug, each family's annual electricity savings of 37 pounds. The EST's CEO Philip said, consider the use of electronic products, turn the power off when not in use.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Slow computer analysis and solutions

Many people is rookie, in does not know or does not knows of situation Xia installed has large program, many program and does not necessarily will with Shang, and program default installed in c disc, most installed in c:\programfiles\ this directory Xia, this is quite more of program and the game default of installed directory, rookie that course has, next next of on so loaded in c disc has, results caused c disc space tension, and other several disc is idle empty of situation.

All of the machine itself is not bad, but due to improper settings causing unnecessary trouble. So many things such as the desktop, virtual memory is too low, c, divide the disk space is not enough, and so on.

In the has virus led to system variable slow, this is most common, and most highlight of a problem, because virus in infection you system file of while and search you hard in other program, it will will all can infection of program all infection, is on program file for repeatedly reads and writes operation, and virus also will in program started zhiqian run, loaded into system in the, occupies large resources, resulted system clear variable slow, and spread infection it people computer, also has may joined definition ingredients, steals this machine information, eventually may will system dragged down death.

There is a reason is caused by long-term use without finishing, because programs are arranged on your hard disk are also sequenced, but user actions during the regular install, remove programs, resulting in too many hard drives using the incoherent, fragmented files, reading programs and files will take more time. Junk files will also have long-term use very much, some temporary files have not been deleted are accumulated more.

Monday, December 10, 2012

China market: Plant lighting products decoding

Eighth Guangzhou LED show on February 20, 2012, Mason Technologies brunt show a plant lighting lamps, causing visitors have stopped to watch. Arising from the plant lighting recently beginning to receive attention in China have long been popular in Japan and South Korea was a mess.

It is understood that the traditional styled plant lighting is in fact divided into two parts:

Plant lighting: play complementary role regulating agricultural products grown with sunlight.

Aquarium lighting: in promoting the growth of aquatic plants also play a role to illuminate the watch.

The federal re plants lighting factory in Shenzhen Miss Yang Introduction With the improvement of people's standard of living, many families are equipped with ornamental bath, so the future of aquarium lighting should market prospects is more than the plant lighting.

LEDinside reporters before the plant lighting visited the the Federal heavy plants lighting factory in Shenzhen. LEDinside reporter sends back information for reference only:

Plant Lighting two key: the selection of the wavelength of the light, the light color mix

Most of the plant lights red (630-640nm conventional 660nm price is a little expensive) and blue light (460-470nm the conventional 440nm bias violet price a little expensive) consisting of, but can also be based on the actual properties of the plant to increase the color of the light source (yellow, orange). The study found that most plants need plant lights light color ratio is 8:1 or 7:1 (red than blue).

According to the scientists, the experimental results obtained, the red mainly promote plant flowering results, while the Blu-ray's main role is to promote the growth of plants. Therefore, the non-flowering plants like cabbage, vegetables and other high demand for red, cucumber, tomato and other flowering plant purple have certain needs.

LEDinside survey found that in LED plant lights are not many manufacturers, most of them are concentrated in Shenzhen. LED plant lamp sales market are concentrated in Japan, South Korea, China and the United States, Europe and other countries and regions in agriculture less.

Reporters saw in the the federal heavy plants lighting products showroom, the shape of the plant lighting products presented in the form of round, square, lamp, and the power of these lights are generally around 300W, the light source is a 3W single teeth lamp beads.

The LED plant lights advantages compared with traditional plants:

Energy saving: direct manufacturing plants need light, produce the same lumens of photons, less power consumption;

Efficient: LED monochromatic light, plants need to fit, manufacturing match lightwave, do traditional plant lights.

LED plant lighting compared with traditional plants
Viewing angle: 360-degree traditional plant lighting lamps can light, LED plant lights can not do this;

Cooling: larger than the power LED Grow Light, so it is necessary to install a special with fan cooling.

The federal heavy plants lighting factory Miss Yang told reporters, LED lighting factory in the Chinese market is still in the cognitive and the run-in period, and the next two to three years will be the rapid rise of the LED plant lighting in the Chinese market, a conservative estimate LED plant lights five years into the outbreak in the Chinese market.

The North American market observation: LED lighting quality is still high, but the proportion of consumers to buy CFL market

90% of Americans use LED and compact fluorescent lamps (CFL, Compact fluorescent lamp) to replace traditional incandescent light bulbs to reduce lighting expenses. Recent market study found that for U.S. consumers, despite the high quality of LED lighting, only takes a traditional light bulbs 75% power and long life of 25 years, is still 75% of the trial the final choice tighten the CFL, and only 25% The people who choose to use LED lights.

Most of the petition comes to the current market, the price is still the key factor in consumers refused to adopt LED and compact fluorescent. LED price of 25-60 U.S. dollars, the CFL is priced at 1.25 to 18 U.S. dollars. The highest level (the price of the most expensive) LED lights, 23 years later can help consumers save energy costs of $ 130, the same during the 60-watt compact fluorescent lamps can help consumers save $ 60. However, LEDinside pointed out that such research surveys LED product prices with high sweet spot less than $ 10, the price of LED can save energy costs are much higher, and will be more than the CFL payback payback benefits.

The majority of consumers said that unless the decline in the price of the two lamps or replacement will still not high. 2011 LED prices fell 20%, and is expected that prices will continue to decline to $ 10 in the next two to three years.

U.S. market sales in the forefront of LED lamps contain EcoSmart (priced at $ 26), A19 and Philips ($ 25), environmental lighting, light intensity and light adjustment function and the color of the light with incandescent bulbs and halogen bulbs alike, so suited to replace the 60-watt traditional bulb.

Of course, not each LED bulb lighting quality. Consumer Reports found the instability some poor-quality LED bulb lighting and lighting is often darken, priced at $ 20 MiracleLED. The recommended consumer choice containing the the energy mark of LED products to avoid buying lemons.

In fact, part of the LED light bulb products, rendered dim and uneven light and unusual lighting color is a major factor for consumers lamp disappointed, these are mostly manufactured in China, and marked by the traders, agents specific brand name sales.

Normally, a 60-watt LED bulb lumens at least to reach 800 lm, so as to reach the standard of illumination brightness. Lighting light color at least 2000K, 3000K and halogen white chromaticity can reach 5000 to 6000K color is more bluish. The the fixture packaging labels will attach these details, U.S. DOE specification to require manufacturers to do these basic specifications labeled to help consumers buy LED bulbs.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Africa LED "Dawn" open holds many lessons to enter the best period

Africa and Zimbabwe began to use LED lights a message before causing concern to the industry, and also learned that the move to allow Africa to the city to save energy and reduce the cost of the lighting operation is bound to be lighting a new career milestone in Africa.

African demand for LED lighting rapid
China-Africa trade volume increased year by year
LEDinside understood so far traced back to 1950, an average annual increase of 43.5 percent of trade between China and Africa. As of 2011, China-Africa trade volume reached $ 160 billion, China has become the largest trading partner in Africa. As a result, the emerging African country's economic modernization is increasingly causing concern around, especially in the recession of the global economy, Africa's economy is still retrograde maintain rapid growth. Africa has 15% of the world's population, as basic lighting and municipal lighting the most development potential of the global market, in recent years, Africa has been committed to the development of sustainable lighting solutions seek an effective solution to the power consumption in low-carbon global trend to promote the next LED lighting needs year after year rise.

Throughout its lighting industry
LEDinside drive light bulbs solar panels power of 20-30 watts in Africa, not long ago, people could afford only incandescent, but efficient LED lights, people only need to power only a few watts of solar panels to meet the lighting needs. With LED lights, batteries and solar panels panels falling prices, coupled with the innovation of the business plan, Africa and other regions of hundreds of million households most likely will be able to give up the kerosene lamps, and incandescent lamps, turn to use technology more state-of-the-art lighting.

LED-known enterprises worldwide have to throw a large amount of money to the layout of the lighting market
in Africa
According to LEDinside to incomplete statistics, from the beginning of the end of last year, the coming of the good news of LED industry development in Africa, by the end of 2011, South Africa became the first African African countries out of incandescent. According to another report, the introduction of LED lighting technology annual savings for South African businesses probably 41 million gold (close to 4 million euros) energy, and reduce 60,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions; Over the same period, the World Climate Conference in Durban, South Africa, Philips officials the appeal as soon as possible to achieve the LED lighting globalization. JJ van Dongen, CEO of Philips Africa LED lighting has been greatly benefited African countries, and LED lighting technology is also the possibility of the rapid development of other high-tech (such as mobile phones development technology).

Also to public information, the end of 2011, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance supports, officially launched the special task of international cooperation to address climate change. Gift LED lights and other low-carbon energy-saving products to African countries and other developing countries through the establishment of a special working expenses in three years; and this year, most recently Africa Zimbabwe began using LED lights, this will be a new milestone, so African Cities save energy and reduce the cost of the lighting operation.

It is worth mentioning that Philips plans to invest 1.2 million euros to build 100 solar-powered LED lighting center in rural communities in Africa, each with a small size of a football field, to solve rural Africa do not have the problem of electric lighting. In addition, more global LED lighting, Osram, GE, Spike, optoelectronics, including well-known enterprises in Africa market layout.

The large
of Africa "Dawn" on the economic potential of the LED lighting industry
LEDinside China LED lighting industry will usher in the African opportunity. To China as the largest developing country, its semiconductor lighting products in Africa market can be described as a natural match, under the common development of low-carbon and energy efficiency requirements of the times, it is a golden opportunity to cut into the African market, semiconductor lighting company. The two government and enterprise holds many lessons for the corresponding channels, financial and market protection mechanism should be established to take full advantage of government policies to integrate related resources on the platform of the Alliance as soon as possible so that the lighting companies take root in Africa.

China is very clear purpose of the lighting industry investment in Africa, in particular, is a huge market in Africa see the economic potential of the premise can not help but criticized a certain extent, the Chinese businessmen to get into the African market, however, China's cheap products for local low-income people to bring the gospel.

LEDinside point of view: the balance between product positioning deviation expand in Africa is now the best time to

LEDinside think, the first move to open up Africa lighting the New World is the understanding of how the African market needs products. Need sufficient investigation and research into the lighting market, African market in the low-end of the application of the lighting market, and between China and Africa in the inherent bias in the positioning of the demand for lighting products, lighting companies in China need to find a balance point should be to maximize the advantage of Chinese products. African market in product performance requirements are not too high, as long as the production of the basic functions of taste, reliable and durable and low price products will be able to meet the lighting needs in Africa. It is understood that the basic lighting and municipal lighting is the most potential market in Africa, much-needed development, Chinese enterprises need to field trips or obtain reliable message-depth understanding of the the African lighting device form habits, and thinking about how existing technology integration to find the incision to accommodate a good combination with local products in Africa and device conditions.

LEDinside believe this is the best time of the Chinese enterprises in Africa opened up lighting Xindi: first the debt crisis and the financial crisis in the United States for the enterprises out to provide a favorable environment; Second, the process of investment in Africa, but also accumulated a lot of experience. Thus this period, the enterprises out to go relatively high success rate, the same is true for the lighting industry.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The electronic warplanes achieve double breakthrough

According to foreign media reports, EJ-10 fighters to equip our troops officially in June 2012, the consolidated situation, its performance fairly with the latest EA-18G electronic warfare aircraft. Chinese Air Force electronic aircraft has been strong interest in overseas many times can see the Chinese technical personnel asked the electronic warplanes related information scene Defense Exhibition. As an air superiority fighter, the J-10, and its development has been much media attention overseas, the new models derived the data outside world is still unknown, had previously sporadic news of the EJ-10 fighter.

According to reports, the latest electronic warfare aircraft EJ-10 F-10 derivative models, in essence, is to carry multiple electronic warfare pod F -10. The U.S. military's EA-18G "Growler" to achieve two breakthroughs: the supersonic breakthrough of electronic attack aircraft; breakthrough to combine electronic warfare and conventional warfare. EJ-10 also achieved two breakthroughs.

In the Gulf War, the U.S. military carried out the "carpet bombing" electronic warfare combat, the U.S. military EA-6B and EF-111A and F-4G three electronic fighters together to form a coalition formation, close suppress guided anti-aircraft fire on the ground, targeting systems and communications command and control system, and well done tasks, electronic warplanes First World War fame.

Since then, the countries competing to develop electronic warfare aircraft. China also developed the H the electric-5 and H-electric -6. This time, the model EJ-10 fighter, the F-10 derivative, has made ​​a number of breakthroughs.

Printed circuit board (PCB) welding defect analysis

Correct solder joint design and good process (ie, circuit board welding process), is a key factor for reliable welding. So-called "reliable" the solder has all of the requirements of nature, not only in the product produced in the entire service life of the electronic products should be guaranteed to work correctly.

The welding is actually a chemical process. The printed circuit board (PCB) is a support member of the circuit components and devices in the electronic products, which provides the electrical connection between the circuit components and devices. With the rapid development of electronic technology, increasing the density of the PCB, more and more layered, and sometimes may all designs are correct (such as the circuit board there is no damage to the printed circuit design perfect, etc.), but due to problems in the welding process, welding defects, welding quality and thus affect the pass rate of the circuit board, which led to the quality of the machine is unreliable. Therefore, the factors affect the quality of welding of the printed circuit board must be analyzed, analyzing the causes of welding defects to be improved to make the entire circuit board soldering quality is improved, and for these reasons.

, Resulting in welding defects reasons

PCB design affect the quality of welding

In the layout, the the PCB size too large, although welding is easier to control, but the printing lines long, impedance increases, the decreased ability of the anti-noise, cost increase; excessively small, the heat decreased, welding is difficult to control, prone to the adjacent lines. interference, such as circuit boards electromagnetic interference. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the design of the PCB board: (1) shorten the connection between the high-frequency components, reducing EMI interference. (2) The weight of a large (such as more than 20g) components should the bracket, and then welded. (3) heating elements heat issues should be considered to prevent larger ΔT component surface defects and rework, thermal components should be kept away from heat sources. (4) the arrangement of the components as much as possible in parallel, this is not only beautiful but also easy to weld, should be high-volume production. The circuit board is designed to 4 warpage generated weld defects

PCB and components warping occurs in the welding process, the Weld, short circuit and other defects due to stress deformation generated. The warpage is often due to the imbalance of the temperature of the upper and lower portions of the PCB. On a large PCB, the plate itself weight fall will produce warpage. Ordinary PBGA device from the printed circuit board is about 0.5mm, circuit board devices, along with the return to normal shape after cooling circuit board solder joint will for a long time is under stress, if the devices raise 0.1mm enough to cause open Weld.

Warped simultaneously on the PCB, the components themselves may warp, solder joints at the center of the element is lifted away from the PCB, to produce the air welding. This often happens when only using the flux and solder paste fill gaps. When using solder paste, since the deformed leaving the solder paste and solder balls are connected together to form a short-circuit defect. Another reason is shorted Delamination occurred in the element substrate in the reflow process, the characteristics of defects below the device is due to internal expansion forming a bubble, can be seen in the X-ray detector to a short circuit welding is often the middle of the device .

In summary, improved by optimizing PCB design, excellent solder circuit board holes weldability and prevent warping prevent the generation of defects that can improve the quality of the entire circuit board soldering.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Technical problems of solar lights

With the development and progress of solar photovoltaic technology, solar cells, as a new energy, first used in lighting, solar lighting products due to the dual advantages of environmental protection and energy saving. Solar LED lighting products are a new generation of green lighting products, and its major components, including the battery box solar photovoltaic semiconductor lighting source. LED solar lights integrated solar photovoltaic and LED solid-state lighting advantages of solar LED lighting system to achieve the perfect combination of a new generation of energy and new light source. However, in the design of solar lighting, involving light source, solar battery system, battery charge and discharge control many factors, any link problems are caused by defects in the product.

The LED characteristics close to the regulator diode, changes in operating voltage 0.1V, operating current may change 20mA. For safety, the ordinary case limiting resistor in series, and a great deal of energy loss is obviously not suitable for solar lawn lamps, and LED brightness changes with the operating voltage.

4, the discrete nature of operating voltage, the same model, the same batch of LED operating voltage have some differences, and should not be used in parallel. Must be used in parallel, should consider both streams.

5 super bright white LED color temperature of 6400k-30000k. Low color temperature ultra bright white LED yet to enter the market, manufactured with a super bright LED solar lawn lights penetrating power is relatively poor, so pay attention to the optical design.

6 large electrostatic super bright LED to have anti-static installation facilities, workers have to wear an anti-static wrist. Damage by electrostatic ultra bright white LED was probably their eyes can not see out, but life will be shorter.

7, the system portfolio to pay attention to the photosensitive sensors, solar lamp light control switch, and some designers often use photosensitive resistor to automatically switch lights, solar cell itself is actually an excellent photosensitive sensors, with It do photosensitive switch characteristics better than photoresistor. For the application of solar garden is not a big problem, but for the mere use of a 1,2 VNi-Cd batteries, solar lawn lamp, solar cell device consists of four solar cells in series, the voltage is low, lower voltage under low light even the day did not the black voltage below 0,7 V, resulting in light control switch malfunction. In this case, add a transistor direct coupled amplifier, you can solve the problem.

8, demand battery voltage level of the control load size, solar lights are often demanding sustainable time of consecutive rainy days, which increases the cost of the system. Consecutive rainy days, when the battery voltage decreases to reduce the number of access of LED or the energy-saving lamp, or to reduce solar lights a luminous time per day, which reduces the cost of the system.

9, flashing dimmer, dimming fade is a good way to energy-saving, one hand, it can increase the effect of solar lawn light irradiation, on the other hand can flicker by changing the duty cycle control battery average output current, and extend the system work time or Under the same conditions, and reduce costs.

10, the switching speed of the three-color color energy efficient lamps.

11, the solar cell is not able to use the main road lighting, highway trunk illumination lighting statutory requirements in respect of the conversion efficiency of solar cells and prices, is not able to meet this requirement. With the improvement of all aspects of technical level in the near future, the solar cells will be used in the main road lighting.

12 on the storage capacitor, solar battery life of more than 25 years, the ordinary life of the battery in 2-3 years, so the battery is the weakest link in the solar power system. The storage capacitor can solve this problem to some extent. The service life of the storage capacitor can reach more than 10 years, and the control circuit is simple, but the high price limits its application, currently only application on the part of the traffic lights and decorative. With the improvement of the technical level, the decline in the price of the product, it will be one of the most promising solar cells supporting ideal energy storage element.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Of Nanning than ocean to create the logo of the wire and cable industry giant

It is understood that the Nanning accusative inkjet printer than the ocean to the wire and cable industry is the most widely used machines, reasonable the layout structures exquisite craft, design science, simple piping design with sophisticated structure, in order to meet increasing customer spray code requirements to improve the customer's overall equipment efficiency and development, not only provides perfect Penma performance, to meet customers from basic Coding the Coding requirements to the harsh environment of high quality, and reduce production costs with excellent stability and networking capabilities to ensure efficient production, greatly improve the overall efficiency of the equipment, can greatly reduce the occurrence of clogging and applause.

Nanning the accusative inkjet printer with excellent stability than the ocean to the whole pipeline and are based on mature technology of Germany, in terms of layout and design to optimize.

Another technical advantage of the machine is the anti-corrosion of the ink, a gear pump is used in the anti-migration ink easily broken, and costly, using the technology of the airbag so that the main pump is not continuous operation, to increase the life of the pump! And the diaphragm pump will reduce the corrosion of the ink to the pump, to reduce costs.

Inkjet printer on the market failure frequency is the head part, such as: ink line shot crooked nozzle clogging. Ink line shot crooked ink spill cause nozzle dirty, need special cleaning agent; nozzle clogging the reason is to stop printing or downtime, it will set to stay in if the wrong nozzle and recycling ink tube cleaning nozzles and recycling ink tube caused by clogged ink curing inkjet printer on the market of recycled ink tube is fixed and can not be moved, so the nozzle cleaning up more trouble if not cleaned could easily lead to nozzle clogging, if frequent cleaning will result in production inefficiencies, high production costs .

Nanning than the ocean to accusative utility model relates to the adjusting means of the inkjet printer nozzles, belongs B05B: injection device, atomizing device, the nozzle art. The Nanning accusative utility model patents than the ocean to the purpose is for the deficiencies of the prior art to provide a new Close sealed type sprinklers mobile devices. Its technical features is a motor-driven recycling ink tube to move up and down, at shutdown can make the nozzle and the ink supply tube is disconnected in a completely sealed state, eliminate the clogging of the nozzle due to ink curing, and start and stop printing without cleaning agent for cleaning the nozzle and the ink tube, the amount of consumption of the cleaning agent can be greatly reduced. Stop printing system is still automatic cycle, so even if the long-term shutdown also do not have to worry about the nozzle clogged. The structure is simple, easy to use, high productivity and low production cost advantages.