The switching power supply is the use of modern power electronics technology, control switch turn-on and turn-off time ratio, to maintain a stable output voltage of a power supply; Inverter principle is to use a thyristor circuit direct current into alternating current, this corresponds to the rectifier The reverse process, defined as the inverter. Power supply, commonly understood by saying: an electronic appliances for us to provide a suitable voltage, current, waveform, and frequency converting means! Example: DC power supply, can be understood as the frequency is zero, the waveform is the power of the line. AC power conversion) (positive or negative, between the two electrodes for voltage alternating frequency, the power of the waveform, can be understood! No matter what kind of power, we can Differential and Integral mathematical put it in either the value of solving a little time, and the only solution! For example: square wave, whether the magnitude of the sine wave, square wave can be decomposed into odd harmonics cattle subharmonic! 3rd harmonic of our general values to meet the requirements! The largest part of the accounting for power is fundamental.
Become the main power transformer is basically high-frequency core FET power devices! Everyone understands that the field pipe switch state, so it is as power tubes, power output is square wave pulse field tube with a large amount of power power harmonic fundamental! Field tube power switch power tube, but also understand: the field pipe production loss of 90% in the Annals shutdown time production, because the turn-on and turn-off time has a lot of instant resistance! So, to solve the problem of switching power supply, in fact, the main work is how to reduce the opening of the turn-off losses, harmonic, we can filter to solve! Another point we need to understand is: field pipe instantly changes the voltage is very sensitive, so give it power power voltage should be stable! The last thing to understand is: great gate resistance, little voltage can be allowed to open, and basically does not require current. Field tube is a voltage-controlled components.
Through the above, we understand that: to use the Airport:
1, the supply voltage to stabilize.
2, control the opening of the turn-off losses.
3, due to lower gate resistance, to prevent misleading links.
4, have low-pass the discharge circuit speed charging circuit, because the the field pipe gate capacitance capacitor charging to be fast, the discharge should be fast! So use totem pole circuit.
We want to design a good power process:
First: Determine Your Power input voltage. Tube selector switch Power switch current transformer volume, input voltage determines the switch breakdown voltage transformer input laps.
Second: No matter what kind of voltage, power, power tube with the scene must have low-pass discharge and speed charging circuit.
Third: the transformers have a snubber circuit to absorb the harmonic.
Fourth: the the field pipe gate internal resistance to use resistance grounding is pulled low.
Fifth: To select the appropriate switching frequency, to guarantee static loss is minimized while too, the highest conversion efficiency of field pipe.
Sixth: To test the filter for the input voltage exceeds 75V, the resonant circuit as negative help function circuit.
Seventh: The power is too large, to test the design of the filter PFC circuit access.
Eighth: drive signal should be stable! And have more than 5V
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