Friday, January 4, 2013

Promise lamps with LED lamps into the community into the future of energy-saving light source direction

Beijing Science and Technology Daily reported on December 30 December 18 at 8:30 in the morning, Fengtai District Yongshan Community energy efficient than energy-saving lamps "discharge lamp" Early in the morning it will be the residents attracted to together.
From the exterior looks, electrodeless lamp or a long tube, or round bulb, and ordinary lamp does not make much difference. Personnel at the scene of a demonstration started a lot of "test": a 30 watt induction lamp and a 100-watt energy-saving lamps are lit at the same time. The electrodeless lamp emits pure white light, bright but not dazzling brightness was more than energy-saving lamps. Residents have begun talking about.
The staff of this demonstration is the chief engineer of an induction lamp manufacturer Jiangsu ZHAO Yan wind. He told reporters: "and ordinary light, induction lamp has no electrodes.
Professor at Fudan University, Shanghai Institute of Electric Light Source Liangrong Qing said, people familiar with the incandescent lamp is a high melting point of 3000 ° C tungsten filament. Will generate heat when the current through a tungsten spiral of continuous filament heat buildup, the temperature reaches above 2000 ℃, the filament will emit light. The incandescent heat is not entirely transformed into energy, partly dissipated in the air, which also makes the incandescent power consumption has been high.
Emitting principle of energy-saving lamps and incandescent. The scientific name of this lamp called "compact fluorescent lamps. Energized, the current will excite mercury atoms inside the bulb ultraviolet visible to the human eye does not release these ultraviolet rays hit the inner wall of the bulb smear phosphor into visible light. This luminous way more electrical energy into light energy, so as to achieve the purpose of saving. However, and incandescent, energy-saving lamp current is to rely on the voltage across the electrodes generated. After the power is turned on, the current does not pass directly to the electrodeless lamp; induction coil of the electrodeless lamp, a high frequency current causes a magnetic field is generated, thereby forming the current field is generated. The electrodeless lamp luminous exactly caused by a bunch of new current the discharge loss due to no positive and negative, so its power-saving capabilities than energy-saving lamps.
"Equal brightness electrodeless lamp wattage required is far less than the energy-saving lamps. ZHAO Yan wind calculations: If you turn on the lights 10 hours to reach the level of 100-watt incandescent light incandescent required to consume 1 kWh, energy-saving lamps consume 0.4 to 0.5 kWh, the electrodeless lamp power consumption is less than 0.2 degrees.At present, many parts of the Olympic rowing center in Beijing, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Factory, Shenzhen Airport cargo warehouse have started using the lamp.
In fact, the induction lamp is not a new invention. As early as 100 years ago, American scientists invented the lamp. However, due to technical limitations, such lamps have been only exist in the laboratory. Until the early 90s of the last century, it was officially commenced commercial production.In recent years, the emergence of some production electrodeless lamp manufacturers, but due to the higher cost and other reasons, the products are mostly exported to foreign countries.
Liangrong Qing, told reporters that the current energy-saving lamps by the limitations of the design principles, energy efficiency has reached the optimal state. Electrodeless lamp, LED lamps and other new types of light sources, has become recognized as the industry's future development direction of the energy-saving light source.
, LED lamp is called "fourth generation light source is a semiconductor light-emitting solid device, and it is the energy saving effect Preferably, the brightness can be regulated, and the seismic effects. In many luxury cars as lights. These new sources both energy efficiency, life, or CRI, much better than the ordinary energy-saving lamps. Color is an important aspect of evaluation of the merits of the light source. Is generally believed, and the closer the light source of the sun, the color is better, the more it can restore the color of the thing itself.
"Although the performance of these new light sources is very superior, but the promotion still having some problems." Said Liang Rongqing, electrodeless lamp, for example, it is a special light-emitting principle, it exists radiation. Many people think that the radiation will cause harm to humans. But in fact, making induction lamp will use a layer of transparent conductive film to wrap up, in order to isolate radiation; electrodeless lamp also need to comply with international standards on electromagnetic security, national standards. In addition, the cost is another problem affect the popularity of induction lamp, electrodeless lamp of the same wattage than the energy-saving lamps more than twice as expensive.
"A lot of people promote the construction of low-carbon communities, but they stay in the theory of propaganda. Actually let people really understand what is energy-saving, low-carbon life, we must make sure that they have had personal experience." Public Administration Teaching and Research Department of the Beijing Administrative College Professor Wu Gang told the Beijing Science and Technology News, so that the electrodeless lamp into the community, residents will be able to use the real experience reinforced awareness of energy conservation.
According to statistics, 20% of the lighting power consumption represents about power consumption. 2010, 1/3 of our lighting source using LED lights, saving 150 billion degrees. Carbon dioxide equivalent emission reduction of 25 million to 43.2 million tons estimated in accordance with the existing power energy structure to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 1.35 million tons. Liang Rongqing believe, with the development of science and technology in the next few years, a variety of more energy-efficient new light source will gradually occupy the market.

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