Wednesday, December 12, 2012

2020 consumer electronics products accounted British household power consumption by half

On Wednesday, an energy-saving agencies said in a report published in 2020, flat-panel TVs, computers, high-tech products will consume nearly half of British families electricity.
UK Energy Efficiency Fund (EST), consumer electronics products will exceed kitchen appliances and lighting and electric tiger family. The Ampere Strikes Back report said, compared with the earlier model, the power consumption of the new products are usually larger, many products are in the standby state, rather than the closed state.
The proportion of households owning a computer has increased by 3% in 1982 to 60%, the proportion of households own printer has increased by 0.7% to 58%.
The families usually have more than one TV, more and more people to buy the higher power consumption of large-screen TV. The report predicts that in 2020 the TV standby energy consumption will account for 1.4% of household electricity consumption.
The report pointed out that, despite the manufacturers try to produce more energy-efficient products, but four times the power consumption of the digital TV analog TV.
The growth of single-parent families increased energy consumption. Such families usually have a big-screen televisions, set-top boxes, computers, game consoles, music recorder and other electronic products.
EST by allocating electronic plug, each family's annual electricity savings of 37 pounds. The EST's CEO Philip said, consider the use of electronic products, turn the power off when not in use.

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