Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dalian PV LED industrial induction via breaking LED lamp

Over the past several months, when the United States Department of Commerce the ultimate decision of China PV products fulfil underground garage lighting; now we are work with Bangladesh, orders do not come from the third world market in Europe and America, but exports of the integrated system are finished, so remained profitable. And PV products in the export process is driving sales of other products, achieving maximum added value of products. Underground parking lot lighting.

Combined with State industrial development organization, the International Director of the solar energy transfer core technologies to make xiwenhua also: garage lighting design, basic good, has been granted National Semiconductor Science and technology industrialization of science and technology base, lighting design of underground garage, Dalian would result in billions of scale semiconductor photovoltaic industry clusters.

Academy of Chinese superstition, one of China's natural science award of the General Assembly on Science and technology academician Shi Changxu said in a lecture to the Government, 5-8 years in the future, China semiconductor LED lighting can only reach the trillions on industrial scale. Lighting in China accounted for more than total amount of power consumed 15%, full development of LED lighting, for a city not only is energy-saving emission reduction needs, training and developing emerging industries.

For Dalian, in policy and market driven by two infrared LED lamp, increasing advance LED lighting industry to accelerate PV industry recovery, energy saving and Green eco-industrial development of the city landmark.

Deputy Director Wang Min, the Dalian municipal construction Committee building energy-saving management service to business proposals to make, how many years near new names, and Dalian qualifications do energy management contract of enterprise is only 22, initiative has provided enterprise energy management contract research, such competence to participate in more projects in the future.

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