Monday, December 10, 2012

China market: Plant lighting products decoding

Eighth Guangzhou LED show on February 20, 2012, Mason Technologies brunt show a plant lighting lamps, causing visitors have stopped to watch. Arising from the plant lighting recently beginning to receive attention in China have long been popular in Japan and South Korea was a mess.

It is understood that the traditional styled plant lighting is in fact divided into two parts:

Plant lighting: play complementary role regulating agricultural products grown with sunlight.

Aquarium lighting: in promoting the growth of aquatic plants also play a role to illuminate the watch.

The federal re plants lighting factory in Shenzhen Miss Yang Introduction With the improvement of people's standard of living, many families are equipped with ornamental bath, so the future of aquarium lighting should market prospects is more than the plant lighting.

LEDinside reporters before the plant lighting visited the the Federal heavy plants lighting factory in Shenzhen. LEDinside reporter sends back information for reference only:

Plant Lighting two key: the selection of the wavelength of the light, the light color mix

Most of the plant lights red (630-640nm conventional 660nm price is a little expensive) and blue light (460-470nm the conventional 440nm bias violet price a little expensive) consisting of, but can also be based on the actual properties of the plant to increase the color of the light source (yellow, orange). The study found that most plants need plant lights light color ratio is 8:1 or 7:1 (red than blue).

According to the scientists, the experimental results obtained, the red mainly promote plant flowering results, while the Blu-ray's main role is to promote the growth of plants. Therefore, the non-flowering plants like cabbage, vegetables and other high demand for red, cucumber, tomato and other flowering plant purple have certain needs.

LEDinside survey found that in LED plant lights are not many manufacturers, most of them are concentrated in Shenzhen. LED plant lamp sales market are concentrated in Japan, South Korea, China and the United States, Europe and other countries and regions in agriculture less.

Reporters saw in the the federal heavy plants lighting products showroom, the shape of the plant lighting products presented in the form of round, square, lamp, and the power of these lights are generally around 300W, the light source is a 3W single teeth lamp beads.

The LED plant lights advantages compared with traditional plants:

Energy saving: direct manufacturing plants need light, produce the same lumens of photons, less power consumption;

Efficient: LED monochromatic light, plants need to fit, manufacturing match lightwave, do traditional plant lights.

LED plant lighting compared with traditional plants
Viewing angle: 360-degree traditional plant lighting lamps can light, LED plant lights can not do this;

Cooling: larger than the power LED Grow Light, so it is necessary to install a special with fan cooling.

The federal heavy plants lighting factory Miss Yang told reporters, LED lighting factory in the Chinese market is still in the cognitive and the run-in period, and the next two to three years will be the rapid rise of the LED plant lighting in the Chinese market, a conservative estimate LED plant lights five years into the outbreak in the Chinese market.

1 comment:

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