Monday, December 24, 2012

Industrial analysis over the three decades of China's LED industry chain gradually completely led lighting

Support in China's economic stimulus policy, China has repeatedly light industrial and optical lighting technology as a focus on the development of industry, give different important lighting technology as well as standard policy, taxes, funds, focusing on nominal priority under negotiation lighting technology class advantages of enterprise property rights of licensed independent common sense, full arm technology concern focused on LED lighting. Through 30 years of development, China's LED industry has initially constitute a relatively complete industrial chain, market development gradually powerful applications gradually extended.

LED applications are divided into two categories of display and lighting. New lighting light-emitting diode (LED) as the light source, known as semiconductor lighting, referred to as LED lighting, semiconductor lighting LED lighting industry as the main industry called. LED lighting industry chain includes upstream raw materials, and equipment (single chip) and epitaxial growth; midstream chip manufacturing; downstream packaging and product development, production and application; supporting industries, including related equipment, accessories, materials.

Upstream technology content and capital investment, Quality, high profit margins, the the the LED luminous color and luminescence effectiveness and manufacturing LED and process, and upstream accounting for about 70% of the LED manufacturing capital, the LED industry is extremely important; midstream technology and capital-intensive sectors, the chip is the most dramatic part of the patent competition, there is a large investment intensity characteristics of slow but effective; downstream link contains the opening production of LED packaging and lighting production application is the most rigorous part of contact with the market, The technical content is definitely lower the investment threshold is lower, so the LED industry, the largest and fastest growing areas.

At present, the global LED industry pyramid spread in the United States, Europe, Japan ranks top of the pyramid, global industry accounts for approximately 60% to 65%, the head of its technology, patents, and output value in other countries and regions. Taiwan, South Korea ranked the pyramid middle, the output value of the proportion of about 30% to 35%, times, technology is slightly larger capacity, but slightly lower value-added products. Low real one is in mainland China, Malaysia and other places, accounting for the world's 3% to 6% LED ceiling lamps, technical lower end of the contract energy management, lack of core patents, the smaller and have lower capacity and output value, but its rise faster.

2009, China's semiconductor lighting industry overall stability. First quarter, subject to the influence of the international financial crisis in 2008, the industrial development delay, shrinking exports become convex problem, commensurate with the local business is hard or even bankruptcy. In June 2003, a broken led fluorescent tubes, led by the Ministry of Science and Technology. In October 2009, for the development of the domestic LED lighting, the National Development and Reform Commission in conjunction with the Ministry of Housing and six ministries introduction of the underground parking lot lighting, which upstream firm is more than about 50, more than 1,000 packaging companies, enterprises downstream applications of more than 3,000 . In 2009, China's LED industry output value reached 18.55 billion yuan, which the packaging industry output value reached 12.5 billion yuan. China's LED export a large share of the world market, especially in recent years, the growth trend was gradually rising each year. According to the investigation, according to the relative advantage of the low prices of raw materials, labor, is the main locations of the world purchasing LED products. Country confrontation with the the LED export volume in China is only the United States, Japan and other countries, along with the continuous expansion of the globe the LED promotion of areas, the market competition is increasingly intense. As the representative of the manufacturing industry developed areas of the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta region, more and more enterprises to participate in the torrent to the LED export competitiveness.

The resolution with the governance of the sales channels occupied a major position in the marketing mix. As the convergence produced and spent the bridge and ties, the fair distribution channels is likely to protect the product at the right time, the right place to the purpose of customer supplied the appropriate price, and thus to develop an effective distribution channel strategies meant major.

The new era in China's foreign trade development strategy in the current economic environment, to the superstitious concept of development leading to completely change the traditional export extensive foreign trade development strategy, steering trade balanced by concern commercial surplus, focus on trade The amount of steering to improve productivity, trade-oriented strategy to enhance the international competitiveness of continuous change.

In short, followed by increasing international competitiveness of China's LED lighting products in the future, should be more biased in favor by the progress of the competitiveness of the industry center to enhance the international competitiveness of the products. Break through the industry's core skills at the same time, also have to recognize the infinite energy supply for the status quo and labor resources talent geographical imbalance of China's economic development, the full development of LED lighting production of labor-intensive enterprises, continued to adhere to the international competitiveness of our country in such products force the upper hand.

Pocketed the people's attention in previous many years, the Beijing Olympic Games, Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games, and even last year, Shenzhen Universiade LED, LED lighting, magnificent color LED display, have been improved show. Driven by emerging applications market has been emerging in recent years LED market range rapid promotion. LED products more and more, and is not limited to LED lighting and LED display applications is also becoming more common and segmentation.

LED development to its application market today, we can be divided into six major markets to dissect. The first LED display applications. The display is LED application market, especially the increase in the application of full-color LED display. The picture LED display from the Beijing Olympic Games, to the night of the opening ceremony of the World Expo special custom brink of ten thousand square meters giant LED display, or appeared on the Asian Games, unveiling a total area of ​​8,000 square meters of LED sails screen are so LED industry from the new review of the LED display segments.

As the application of the first and one of the most mature LED applications, LED display industry in the past few years by the expansion needs of the world's large-scale events and outdoor advertising media excited product segments more found significant differentiation. Then later the full color LED digital tube, from the earliest to monochrome, two-color display, the entire field of LED display upgrade swap period experienced a period of product structure. In recent years, the growing demand of the market for large high-end outdoor LED display, LED application market the main display area.

Interior lighting market LED other emerging markets. Through the grip of the current LED hundreds of even thousands of color change can be achieved. This stage emphasizes personalized period, the LED color will help diversify the market development of LED decorative lights. LED has begun into one small decorating lights, decorative curtain wall applications in a hotel bedroom. Interior lighting market scale in 2005 to reach 158 million yuan.

After years of a job change, the nation's major cities by the traditional traffic lights replaced with LED traffic lights have been close to the prologue. LED traffic lights market after years of high-speed growth, the size of the market in 2005 reached 1.52 billion yuan. However, with the implementation of alternative work, LED traffic lights market will no longer maintain high-speed growth in the underground garage used lamps, LED traffic lights in 2006 the market is expected to achieve growth of 5.8% to 16.1 billion.

Landscape lighting market is mainly decorative lighting of streets, squares and other public places, mainly from the government to promote the effort. By 2008 held in Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, Beijing, Shanghai and other places to accelerate the pace of landscape lighting, LED low power, with strong market competitiveness in a huge electricity use in the landscape lighting market. Currently, LED has been increasingly applied to the landscape lighting market.

In addition, the main role of the Olympic Games and the World Expo is much longer in itself led landscape lighting market growth, more important is its exemplary role. In order to meet the Olympic Games and the World Expo, Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai and other places will be built a number of LED landscape lighting project these works in the decorated streets at the same time will also serve as a model. The rest of the city see LED landscape lighting Outstanding indicated that they would reduce the use of LED landscape lighting concerns, and accelerate the use of LE in landscape lighting. LED landscape lighting will expand quickly from a city to the secondary and tertiary cities.

LED automotive applications market size of $ 0.29 billion in a few years ago, automobile headlights. Market size of $ 0.21 billion. From all LED application market, the automotive market is still in its infancy situation, the small size of the market.

LED as automobile headlights. Important benefit from the low-power, long-lived life, and the corresponding speed. The statistics show that, in the car traveling at 100 kilometers per hour, the vehicles equipped with LED brake lights than not equipped with LED brake light vehicle brake interval will be reduced by 7 feet. Currently, LED has been gradually applied in the third brake lights of the car. Of course, the LED is still facing unit wattage lumens and related policy limits into the taillights and headlights markets also need a certain amount of time, however, as all day performance than the landing as well as the enhancement of luminescence efficiency, the ultimate LED will gradually achieve from the interior of the car, the rear to the front of the transfer, and ultimately entrenched throughout the automotive lighting market. With the grand car capacity, LED lights PUC faces great development potential.

Another nearly two years, the rise of the smart phone, LED shortcut applied to the mobile phone-based, small-size LCD panel backlight market, the continuous increase in mobile phone production slips led backlight market development. The special is two years smartphone rendering white LED market is advancing too fast development.

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